Sunday Mornings


Below is our “school year” schedule. During the Summer months we rest from this schedule, focusing our gathering time on worship and fellowship.

Nursery: 0-3 years-old

Children 2 weeks to 3 years old are invited to our Nursery every Sunday morning from 9am-11am during the school year, and from 9am-10am during the summer. They are also fully welcome to remain with parents in the full worship service.

Catechesis of the Good shepherd: 3 years-old to 6th grade

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-style Christian formation program for children ages 3-12, in which children begin to know God and the church through joy, contemplation, exploratory materials and a special space carefully prepared for their unique spiritual journey. This special space is also referred to as "The Atrium", in reference to the place where people of early Roman house churches prepared themselves for baptism and a life with Jesus. Our Atrium is divided by children's age; Level 1 is for ages 3-6, Level 2 is for ages 6-9 and Level 3 is for ages 9-12. Each Atrium is led by a trained educator, or catechist, and supported by rotating parent volunteers. Our three catechists are Anne McCausland, Marti Hunt and Vicki Haines. Anne, Marti and Vicki take great joy in guiding children to love the Good Shepherd, and are excited to welcome them every Sunday morning. The Atrium opens at 9:30 and ends around 10:40 when children rejoin their families for the second half of the service. 

For At-Home children’s formation

You may use the lessons below for whenever-fits-for-you at-home worship in the style of our usual Atrium gatherings.

The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde


exploring our faith: ADULTS

Click to read more about this group.




Choir Rehearsal begins at 9:00 am and is open to adults and youth 9th grade and up. Choir rehearses after the service as well. Please see our Music page or contact Music Director Bernadette Aubin Allan for more information.