Worshiping Together, in Hopkinton and Online
Welcome to Worship!
Our services are at 8am and 10am. All are welcome.
See you in church!
Note: During the renovation work in the Nave, the 8am service will be held in the Chapel. The 10am service will be held in the Great Hall.
Worship Bulletin
Indoor Worship Safety Practices
-Our online worship option continues uninterrupted. Link is always found in our Enews.
-If you have any COVID-related symptoms, please show your love for your neighbors by attending online and not in person. (and of course, if you're sick, let us know so we can pray for you and care for you!)
-Utilizing the advice of the CDC, we are "mask optional". (A couple important notes: The CDC includes careful words on the mask option, that if you have been exposed to covid, you should be wearing a mask, and if you have symptoms you should wear a mask (or participate online). Also, to be clear, going mask optional is a recognition of a new stage in overall public health and total levels of covid infection. We are, in a sense, mask optional because we expect not to overflow the hospital capacity. But in terms of any one person staying covid-free, vaccination and masking are still the very best safety measures.
-We have removed formal distancing requirements for seating. We continue to filter the air, turning it over roughly once every 15 minutes.
Also for Families with Young Children click here to go to our Sunday Mornings web page to see all of the offerings for whenever-fits-for-you at-home worship in the style of our usual Atrium gatherings.
You’ll also find links to stories appropriate for children and adults!